Jumat, 25 November 2016

Pembuatan maket kawasan “Masjid Darul Jannah Mosque with Water Square” Kerjasama Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Esa Unggul dan University of Rotterdam Applied Science

Pembuatan maket kawasan “Masjid Darul Jannah Mosque with Water Square”
Pembuatan maket kawasan “Masjid Darul Jannah Mosque with Water Square”

Pembuatan maket kawasan “Masjid Darul Jannah Mosque with Water Square” Kerjasama Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Esa Unggul dan University of Rotterdam Applied Science

Dalam rangka menindaklanjuti kerjasama antara Pemerintah Belanda dan Pemerintah Indonesia, terutama bidang perairan maka pada tanggal 21-24 November 2016 Perdana Menteri Belanda, perwakilan dari Sister City Rotterdam, dan University of Rotterdam Applied Science melakukan kunjungan ke Indonesia.
Salah satu agenda kunjungan adalah penyelenggaraan Dutch Training and Exposure Programme (DUTEP) yang diselenggarakan oleh Nuffic Neso Indonesia bertempat di Hotel Mercure Sabang. Aktivitasnya adalah penyelenggaraan workshop dengan topik-topik yang varians berikut:
  1. Integrated Smart Participatory Planning for Multifunctional Public Space
  2. Operation and Maintenance of Flood Control Infrastructure
  3. Land Reclamation in Northern Jakarta
Pada hari kedua Workshop (tanggal 23 November 2016) tim Universitas Esa Unggul yang terdiri dari Dosen dan Mahasiswa Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota diberi kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan maket kawasan “Masjid Darul Jannah Mosque with Water Square”. Pembuatan maket ini merupakan kerjasama antara Prodi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota dengan salah satu mahasiswa Rotterdam University yaitu Mr. Lesley Blom, dengan Supervisi Mr Gerard Peet dan difasilitasi oleh Lurah Cipete Utara, Mohammad Yohan selaku Alumnus Esa Unggul.
Proses Pengerjaan Pembuatan Maket
Dalam kurun waktu yang terbatas, tim mempelajari konsep yang telah disusun  oleh Mr. Lesley Blom, site plan versi 2D dan membuat model 3Dimensi menggunakan software sketch up. Setelah ditentukan desain dasar kawasan, maka tim menentukan skala kawasan yaitu 1:100.
Proses Pengerjaan Pembuatan Maket
Proses Pengerjaan Pembuatan Maket
Langkah awal pembuatan maket adalah melakukan brainstorming membahas desain dan langkah kerja, kemudian menyusun daftar belanja material maket seperti acrylic, karton, lem, gunting dll. Tim mulai mebuat  desain dasar,  pola, melakukan pengukuran, menggunting, menempel dan mewarnai. Kemudian tim menggabungkan berbagai bagian tersebut menjadi bangunan masjid dan mulai membuat landscape kawasan termasuk detail penunjang seperti rumput dan pohon.
Pembuatan Bangunan Mesjid dan Landscape Kawasan
Pembuatan Bangunan Mesjid dan Landscape Kawasan

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Kamis, 17 November 2016

Academic Partners

The MoU Signing Between The Manila Times College with  Esa Unggul University

THE Manila Times College (TMTC) on Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Esa Unggul University (EUU) in Indonesia for the international students exchange program (ISEP) and dual-degree program.
Under the agreement, EUU and TMTC will facilitate the exchange of faculty experts, researchers, academic personnel and students, of literature, research findings and other related publications and of a double-degree program; ensure credit transfer and mutual recognition of courses offered by both schools; encourage participation by faculty and students in each other’s educational congresses, conferences, workshops, symposiums, training courses and exhibits.
EUU Rector Dr. Arief Kusuma Among Praja said the partnership with the TMTC is a good opportunity for their students to experience and to learn the real world of journalism. “I know that the Philippines is producing a lot of professionals around the world and we want to learn from the Philippines,” Dr. Praja added. “I think it’s a good opportunity to have a partner in a real industry. This partnership is very significant because this will help enhance our experience in collaborating with other institutions and we want our students to have an international experience,” the EUU rector said. He added that their students will have a good career path in studying journalism at the TMTC under the dual-degree program. “Hopefully, they can have a good job after graduating from The Manila Times College. This is a good break to study journalism in the Philippines. I think the Philippines is a very democratic country in which journalistic practice is free and we can learn more about it from the Philippines,” Dr. Praja said.
Under the program, communication students from EUU will take up a journalism course at the TMTC and will undergo hands-on training as they will be assigned to various beats. Dr. Praja said more students will be given the opportunity to study abroad with the integration by 2015 of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean). “I think the Asean 2015 is a good opportunity especially that our market is becoming larger. We have to share the same market because not all Indonesians have the opportunity to study in higher education programs and to study abroad,” he added.
The Asean Economic Community aims to bring together the Asean member-nations into a single market that is able to compete in the global economy by 2015. Asean groups Brunei Darussalam, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, plus two observers Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea.
Recently, top Philippine universities such as De La Salle University, University of Santo
Tomas, Ateneo de Manila University and University of the Philippines announced that they will be changing their calendars as part of an “internationalization effort,” noting that the Philippines is the only remaining Asean member-country with a June-to-March academic year.
In 2012, the TMTC also tied up with the Thammasat University in Thailand for an academic and cross-cultural learning partnership. Thammasat University is the first higher educational institution in Thailand to offer a bachelor’s degree in journalism. This program offers courses in newspaper and print media, radio and television, film, advertising, public relations and mass-communication management.
Kunjungan Kerjasama antara Universitas Esa Unggul dengan Woosong University dan Honam University, Korea
Dalam rangka penjajakan kerjasama dengan Woosong University dan Honam University, Korea, Universitas Esa Unggul melakukan kunjungan ke Korea pada 22 – 26 September 2014 lalu. Selama kunjungan tersebut, banyak hal dapat dipelajari terutama dari segi manajemen perguruan tinggi dan proses belajar-mengajar yang diterapkan di Korea. Di Woosong University yang terletak di kota Daejon penataan universitasnya cukup asri dan kesibukan para mahasiswanya yang nampak disiplin, hal tersebut nampak dari beberapa mahasiswa yang sedang berdiskusi.
Sementara di Honam University yang terletak di kota Guang Ju yang termasuk Universitas terkenal di Korea, melakukan kerjasama intensif terutama untuk jurusan Physiotherapy, Industrial Design, Broadcasting yang diharapkan berkembang pesat, mengingat banyaknya minat para mahasiswa Indonesia dibidang tersebut.
Penandatanganan Kerjasama Universitas Esa Unggul dengan North China Electric Power University, China
Dalam rangka kerjasama antara Universitas Esa Unggul (UEU) dengan North China Electric Power (NCEPU) China,  Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma, MBA (Rektor UEU), Dr. Suryanti T. Arief, MBA (Sekretaris Yayasan), Ari Pambudi, S.Kom, M.Kom (Wakil Rektor III), Dra. Suryari Purnama, MM (Wakil Rektor IV) pada 09 – 14 Juni 2014 melakukan kunjungan kerjasama ke NCEPU, China.  Kerjasama bidang pendidikan ini meliputi Program Double Degree, Program Studi Teknik Industri UEU dengan Mechanical Engineering NCEPU dan Program Studi Sistem Informasi dengan Management Information System NCEPU. Selain itu kerjasama dalam student exchange, research and development.
Agenda kegiatan lainnya adalah mengunjungi pabrik HUAWEI TECH, China.  PT. Huawei Tech Investment pada awal Juni 2014 lalu telah melakukan penandatanganan kerjasama dalam bidang pengembangan teknologi dan investasi yang bertempat di Ballroom Kemala, Kampus Esa Unggul.  Kedua pihak sepakat untuk membangun “Smart Education” di lingkungan Universitas Esa Unggul.
Penandatanganan MoU Antara Universitas Esa Unggul dan PT. Huawei Tech Investment, China
Dalam rangka menjalin kerjasama berkesinambungan antara PT. Huawei Tech Investment dan Universitas Esa Unggul dibidang Industry Teknologi, pada tanggal 3 Juni 2014 diadakan penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding antara Universitas Esa Unggul dengan perusahaan PT. Huawei Tech Investement yang dilaksanakan di Ballroom Kemala, Kampus Esa Unggul.
Rektor Universitas Esa Unggul Dr. Arief Kusuma, Ir, MBA dalam perjanjian kerja sama itu, nantinya diharapkan agar juga berlanjut pada kerjasama dibidang tenaga terdidik yang belajar di UEU untuk dapat kesempatan magang di perusahaan PT Huawei Tech Investment di beberapa negara untuk menciptakan tenaga terampil dibidang teknologi investasi dan membangun pusat pelatihan dan pengembangan teknologi dan investasi di Universitas Esa Unggul.
Kunjungan dan Penandatanganan MoU antara Universitas Esa Unggul dengan Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, China
Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, China pada 18 Februari 2014 lalu melakukan kunjungan dan penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dengan Universitas Esa Unggul yang meliputi kerjasama pengembangan belajar mengajar dan pertukaran mahasiswa.  Acara ini dihadiri oleh Rektor Universitas Esa Unggul, Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma AP, MBA, dan Para Wakil Rektor, Para Dekan Fakultas dan Civitas Akademika Universitas Esa Unggul.
Delegasi dari Nanjing Xiaozhuang University adalah :
  • Mr. Li Hong Tian – Secretary of Party Committee
  • Mr. Cui Hua Yu – Director of President Office
  • Mrs. Liu Ke Jian – Deputy Dean of School of Economics and Management
  • Mrs. Wang Jing Ping – Director of Int’l Exchange Office and School for Int’l Student.
Kunjungan Kerjasama Universitas Esa Unggul dengan 3 Universitas di Thailand – Mahidol University, Burapha University dan Kasetsart University
Dalam rangka pengembangan dan peningkatan kerjasama dalam bidang pendidikan tinggi, khususnya dalam Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah & Kota dan Teknik Industri serta Ilmu – ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Esa Unggul melakukan Kunjungan Kerjasama ke 3 Universitas di Thailand pada 16 – 20 Juni 2013 lalu.
Delegasi Universitas Esa Unggul terdiri dari :
  1. Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma AP, MBA (Rector)
  2. Dr. Suryanti T. Arief , SH, MBA (Secretary of Esa Unggul Foundation)
  3. Dra. Suryari Purnama, MM (International Office)
  4. Dr. Lily Amelia  (Dean of Faculty of Engineering)
  5. Dr. Idrus Jus’at  (Dean of Faculty of Public Health)
Universitas yang dikunjungi adalah :
  1. Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
  2. Burapha University, Chonburi Province, Thailand
  3. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

Kunjungan kerjasama  Universitas Esa Unggul dengan 3 universitas  ini menghasilkan beberapa kerjasama, antara lain :
Universitas Esa Unggul dengan Mahidol University  ( Fakultas Teknik dan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan)
  • Exchange Student
  • Review Curriculum
  • Exchange Faculty Member
Universitas Esa Unggul dengan Burapha University  ( Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan)
  • Transfer Credit selama 1 Semester untuk Program Studi Keperawatan (Nurse) dan Kesehatan Masyarakat ( Public Health)
  • Exchange Student
  • Review Curriculum
  • Exchange Faculty Member
Universitas Esa Unggul dengan Kasetsart University  ( Fakultas Teknik)
  • Kerjasama dibidang kurikulum dan penelitian

Kunjungan Kerjasama dan Penandatanganan MoU Nanjing Normal University – Universitas Esa Unggul

Dalam rangka kerjasama dalam bidang Pendidikan Tinggi, Universitas Nanjing Normal University, China menandatangani kerjasama (MoU) dengan Universitas Esa Unggul pada 13 Maret 2013 lalu di Kampus Esa Unggul. Fakultas Ekonomi menjadi program awal kerjasama pendidikan ini. Dari Fakultas Ekonomi UEU selaku Dekan, Dr. MF. Arrozi Adhikara, SE, Ak.M.Si dan Prof. Wang Shaohua, Ph.D dari Nanjing Normal University, China yang menandatangani MoU disaksikan oleh Rektor UEU, Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma, MBA beserta jajaran pejabat civitas akademika UEU.
Kemudian acara dilanjutkan dengan Seminar the Role of Internalization of Higher Education for Emerging Countries yang dibawakan oleh Prof. Wang Shaohua, Ph.D tentang masalah Pendidikan kedua Negara yang hamper sama dari segi pengembangan kurikulum yang terus disempurnakan guna menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang siap pakai di berbagai bidang kehidupan.
Harapan Rektor UEU lebih menekankan pada teknis pengajaran yang lebih komprehensif guna menghasilkan mahasiswa yang memiliki karakter kebangsaan. Baik UEU maupun NNU sepakat akan mengadakan program pertukaran pelajar (student exchange) antara kedua negera akan segera dilaksanakan.
Penandatanganan MoU Kerjasama Pendidikan dan Penelitian Universitas Esa Unggul dengan ITB Bandung

Universitas Esa Unggul melakukan kerja sama pendidikan dan penelitian dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
Kerjasama itu ditandai dengan penandatanganan memorandum of understanding (MoU) oleh masing-masing rektor di kedua universitas tersebut.
Rektor Universitas Esa Unggul, Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma AP, MBA mengatakan, kerja sama ini merupakan langkah besar dan strategis bagi pengembangan keilmuan dan penelitian di kampusnya
“ITB adalah salah satu pusat pengembangan teknologi, ilmu pengetahuan, dan seni. Kampus yang membanggakan dan pelecut kami untuk lebih baik,”  kata  Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma AP, MBA pada acara penandatanganan Mou, di ITB, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Rabu (18/7/2012).
Ia menjelaskan, kerjasama ini melibatkan Fakultas Desain dan Industri Kreatif, Serta Fakultas Teknik yang nantinya akan dilaksanakan sejalan dengan tridharma perguruan tinggi, pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat.
Selain itu, kerjasama ini juga mengagendakan pembinaan program studi. “Pertukaran keilmuan tentu masuk dalam agenda, dan ke depannya ITB akan membina salah satu program studi di kampuis kita,” jelasnya.
Dalam kesempatan sama, Rektor ITB, Akhmaloka mengungkapkan, kerja sama ini akan dijadikan salah satu cara untuk melengkapi sumber keilmuan di ITB.
Diakuinya, dalam kerja sama ini sangat besar kemungkinan pihaknya akan menemukan hal baru yang sebelumnya tidak miliki.
“Dengan membuat program bersama diharapkan hasilnya akan lebih baik dibandingkan dikerjakan sendiri. Semoga kerja sama ini memberikan banyak manfaat di kemudian hari,” pungkasnya.
Kerjasama MUST & UEU
University of Science & Technology, Malaysia dan Universitas Esa Unggul pada Rabu, 23 Juni 2010 melaksanakan pertemuan dalam rangka penjajagan peluang kerjasama dalam Joint Research, Joint Seminar, Student Exchange, dan International Programme. Hadir wakil dari University of Science & Technology (MUST), Malaysia antara lain, Mr. Badly Shah Bin Ariff Shah (Vice President of Corporate Affairs), Prof. Dr. P Sellapan (Professor of Information Technology), Hj. Kamal Abd. Razak, MBA (Senior Lecturer Business & Management Program). Sedangkan dari pihak Universitas Esa Unggul dihadiri oleh Rektor, Wakil Rektor, dan para Dekan Fakultas.
MUST didirikan pada tahun 2000 bekerjasama dengan Massachusset Institute of Technology (MIT), AS. MUST menyelenggarakan program-program S1 dan Master dalam bidang Teknik dan Manajemen seperti: Material Science and Engineering with Business Management, Supply Chain Management, Transportation & Logistics, Information Technology, Industrial Biotechnology, Environmental Science, dan Energy & Environment. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari pertemuan ini, akan segera disusun MoU dan menjadwalkan kembali pertemuan berikutnya. Diharapkan melalui Kerjasama ini akan memajukan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Pendidikan Pengajaran, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat.

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Design And Analysis Of Electrical Appliance Experiment With Two Factorial Designs

Mukhamad Abduh, ST, MT.
Dosen Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta

A rice cooker or rice steamer is a self-contained electrical appliance, used primarily for cooking. Here are also microwave, gas, and open flame variants. The preparation of rice has traditionally been a tricky cooking process that requires accurate timing, and errors can result in inedible undercooked or burnt rice. Rice cookers aim to avoid these problems by automatically controlling the heat and timing in the preparation of the rice, while at the same time freeing up a heating element on the range. In these experiments, we use three branch of rice cooker that is; A, B, and C. This entire product has capacity 1.8 liter. The load cook divided in three-load level; 0.5 liter, 1.0-liter end 1.5 liters. Each level or load cook has two times experiments. Time of experiments for each product is the same, with stopwatch, the speed of cooking can be able to identify. So each product can looked at how long spent the time for cooking the rice.
History of Rice Cooker
The idea of cooking rice with electricity was first conceived in the age of westernization during the Meiji era, and products called “electric stoves” and “electric rice tubs” were produced experimentally at the end of the Taisho era (mid 1920s). These were stoves and tubs to which heating coils were attached. In the late 1940s, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation manufactured an electric rice cooker, a pot incorporating a heating coil inside. Featuring no automation, this was simply a pot that used a heating coil instead of firewood or gas. The device was inconvenient, requiring attention from the time it was switched until the rice was done, and sold poorly. Rather than being remembered as the forerunner of modern rice cookers, the device was relegated to the status of a footnote in the history of electric appliances. In 1952, Matsushita Electric launched a Mitsubishi-type rice cooker, which was also poorly received. Sony’s offering (an electronic rice tube) fared likewise.
Around July 1951, based on its conviction that electrical appliances would one day become a part of daily life in Japan, Toshiba tackled the challenge of creating a successful electric rice cooker, a product area where leading manufacturers Mitsubishi and Matsushita had failed. The project was led by Shogo Yamada, development manager of the electric appliance division. In human being lives always are in change. One of impact in life process is technology become primarily need for people in this era, most people can’t do anything without technology, activities for the people depends for technology. Technology very important for this life. One of the results for technology is going to discuss in this chapter especially for electrical rice cooker.
A rice cooker or rice steamer is a self-contained electrical appliance, used primarily for cooking. Here are also microwave, gas, and open flame variants. The preparation of rice has traditionally been a tricky cooking process that requires accurate timing, and errors can result in inedible undercooked or burnt rice. Rice cookers aim to avoid these problems by automatically controlling the heat and timing in the preparation of the rice, while at the same time freeing up a heating element on the range.
Typically, a rice cooker contains an insulated outer container containing a heating element, into which is fitted a non-stick or Teflon coated inner removable bowl, which often has graduations marked in cups of rice (white). Whereas less expensive and older models use simple electronics and mechanical and thermal sensors, high-end rice cookers use microchips to control the cooking process and often incorporate a timer which can be used to set the desired “ready time”. Many rice cookers can keep rice warm safely for up to 24 hours. This helps to avoid the dangers of food poisoning due to Bacillus cereus. Rice cookers, when purchased, normally include a small “cup” measure and a plastic paddle for serving the cooked rice.
Restaurants that serve a lot of rice, particularly those specializing in Asian cuisine, often use industrial size rice cookers that quickly and cheaply produce large quantities of cooked rice. A rice cooker is a standard appliance in kitchens around the world, especially in Asian countries. Small, basic rice cookers can be purchased in the US at discount retailers often for as low as $10-$15, and units with large capacity and different selectable electronically-controlled cooking cycles can cost up to $100 or more.

Basic principle of operation
The bowl in the rice cooker is usually removable, and beneath it lies a spring and thermostat. These form the main components of the rice cooker. The spring in the bottom is simply to ensure contact of the thermostat to the base of the cooking bowl. During cooking the mixture is continuously heated. The temperature cannot go above the boiling point of water—100°C (212°F)—as any energy put into the system at that point will only cause the water to boil. At the end of cooking all of the water will have been evaporated or absorbed by the rice. Once the heating continues past this point, the temperature exceeds the boiling point. The thermostat then trips, and switches the rice cooker to “warm” mode, keeping the rice no cooler than approximately 65°C (150°F). Simple rice cookers, like the one below, may simply turn off at this point.
Cooking rice with a rice cooker
To cook white rice, the rice is measured and added to the inner bowl. Cold water is measured and added or simply added up to the appropriate graduation in the inner bowl. Sometimes there are separate scales for brown rice (as more water is required) or for cooking other foods in the appliance. Once the lid is closed and the cooking cycle has been activated, the rice cooker does the rest. Fancy models give a countdown in minutes to the “ready time,” and beep when done, whereas less expensive and older models simply click or ring a bell when done. A rice cooker or rice steamer is a self-contained electrical appliance, used primarily for cooking. Here are also microwave, gas, and open flame variants.
Rice cooker techniques
Rice cookers are typically used for the preparation of plain or lightly seasoned rice, but more elaborate recipes are possible using a rice cooker, and there are cookbooks devoted entirely to dishes prepared using a rice cooker. One of the more unexpected dishes that can be made in a rice cooker is a beef. By simply adding ingredients and setting it to “warm”, a rice cooker would cook that at about 65°C (150°F). In few hours, the stew is fully cooked and ready to eat. Some rice cookers are designed to accommodate a basket above the rice. This basket is generally used to steam vegetables, holding them in the steam coming off the rice. Some vegan cooks consider rice cookers to be an invaluable tool in the preparation of vegan meals. They find it extremely versatile, allowing a variety of meals to be cooked with minimal preparation and no attention during the cooking process.
Douglas C. Montgomery, “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, sixth edition john Wiley & sons. INC
Practicum subject for Minitab 14, “Industrial Engineering”, university of Indonesia, Jakarta.
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The Application of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Optimization of Crude Palm Oil Production

Dr. Lily Amelia
Dosen Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Esa Unggul

The production of crude palm oil and palm kernel are greatly influenced by factors such as deterioration of the raw material, processing inefficiency as well as environmental condition. An optimisation model for the palm oil production is therefore critical in ensuring maximum revenue in production whilst minimizing palm oil and palm kernel losses and production cost. The proposed optimisation model is an integration between fuzzy expert system and multi objective programming model. Four fuzzy expert models were developed for each processing station with the aim of achieving four objectives, ie. to maximise revenue, minimise total production costs as well as minimise the total amount of palm oil and palm kernel losses. Two heuristic optimisation methods, ie. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Direct Random Search are applied to solve this problem. The model is able to optimise the revenue, production cost as well as the total amount of palm oil and palm kernel losses. The study has also shown that Genetic Algorithm results in more optimum solutions compared to the Direct Random Search method.
Crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel are yielded from fresh fruit bunches of palm oil that undergo several stages of processing. After the fresh fruit bunches of palm oil are loaded into the loading ramp, the fresh fruit bunches are sterilised in a steriliser in order to separate fruits from the bunches. The sterilized fruit bunches are then transferred to a thresher using a hoisting crane where the fruits are threshed in a stripper drum and separated from the bunches. The fruits are then digested in a digester to separate the nut from the fruits. The fruits are then delivered to the screw press by means of a feed screw conveyor. Crude oil resulted from pressing is transferred into a clarification station in which the crude oil consisting of oil, water and non oil solid (NOS) is separated by using centrifugal force and heat treated at temperature 80-90 oC. The mixture of fibre and nuts from the screw press are transferred into the kernel station by a cake breaker conveyor. There after, the fibre and nuts are separated in a depericarper and entered the nut silo in order to reduce the water content. Nuts are broken in a nut cracker or a ripple mill to obtain the kernel. The mixture of kernel and shell are separated using a separating column and hydro cyclone. Finally, kernel are dried in the kernel dryer before they are stored [1].
In a palm oil production, objectives that are of interests to the decision makers are to maximise crude palm oil and kernel production, minimise palm oil and palm kernel losses during processing and to maintain production costs at the lowest possible level [2]. Nevertheless, the production of crude palm oil and palm kernel is a complex problem due to the influence of processing variables and environmental factors. Existing problems in the processing of crude palm oil and palm kernel are the lack of processing efficiencies, the properties of the raw materials that cause them to deteriorate easily, delay in processing, etc. These factors may affect the quantity and quality of oil and kernel production as well as giving impact to the production costs. Therefore, the development of an optimisation model is crucial in minimising the total amount of palm oil and palm kernel losses hence maximising revenue and minimising production costs.
The application of fuzzy logic expert system in the production process control and optimisation have been widely used since Mamdani and Assilian developed fuzzy inference fuzzy logic controller model for a steam engine [3]. Mamdani fuzzy logic expert system has been applied in areas such as production industries. Other examples of fuzzy expert control application is in hydraulic forging machine [4] and twin extruder machine [5]. Fuzzy control model for milling process optimisation was developed by Peres et al. [6]. Vagelatos et al. [7] developed fuzzy control model for optimising injection molding process. Other applications include optimisation of power distribution system operations developed by Sarfi and Solo [8], food frying process by Rywotcky [9] and fuzzy expert control for oil and gas supplies by Neuroth et al. [10]. Despite the wide application of fuzzy expert system, the technique has yet to be applied in the crude palm oil production.
Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Direct Random Search are two heuristic optimisation methods that have been widely applied in the industries. GA that was developed by John Holland in 1975 [11] has been applied in production process optimisation such as in the pulp and paper industry [12], glass furnace operation [13], fuzzy control system for hydro cyclone [14], fuzzy expert system in continuous stirring tank reactor [15], classification of welding flaw types [16], assembly process [17], semi conductor testing industry [18] and batch free radical polymerisation reactor [19]. However, GA has not been used for solving problems in the crude palm oil and palm kernel industry. Direct Random Search that was developed by Luus and Jaakola [20] has also been widely applied to solve many optimisation problems especially for chemical industries such as multi stages recycle systems [21] and phase and chemical equilibrium [22].
[1] Hartley, C.W.S., The Oil Palm 2nd ed, Longman, New York, 1977.
[2] Eng, G.E. and M.M. Tat, “Quality Control in Fruit Processing”, JAOCS 62(2), 1985, pp. 274-281.
[3] Mamdani, E.H. and S. Assilian, “An Experiment in Linguistic Synthesis with a Fuzzy Logic Controller”, Man Machine Studies 7(1), 1975, pp 1-13.
[4] Lee, Y. H. and R. Kopp, “Application of Fuzzy Control for a Hydraulic Forging Machine”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 118(1), 2001, pp. 99-108.
[5] Lee, S.J., C.G. Hong, T.S. Han, J.Y. Kang and Y.A. Kwon, “Application of Fuzzy Control to Start Up of Twin Screw Extruder”, Food Control 13(4-5), 2002, pp. 301-306.
[6] Peres, C.R., R.E.H. Guerra, R.H.H.A. Alique and S. Ros, “Fuzzy Model and Hierarchical Fuzzy Control Integration: An Approach for Milling Process Optimization”, Computers in Industry 39(3), 1999, pp. 199-207.
[7] Vagelatos, G.A., G.C. Rigatos and S.G. Tzafestas, “Incremental Fuzzy Supervisory Controller Design for Optimizing the Injection Molding Process”, Expert Systems with Applications 20, 2001, pp. 207-216.
[8] Sarfi, R.J. and A.M.G. Solo, “Network Radiality, Parameter and Performance Heuristics in Optimization of Power Distribution System Operations Part 2 : Fuzzification of Rule Base”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems 24(8), 2002, pp. 683-692.
[9] Rywotycki, R., “Food Frying Process Control System”, Journal of Food Engineering 59(4), 2003, pp. 339-342.
[10] Neuroth, M., P. McConnell, F. Stronach and P.Vamplew, “Improved Modeling and Control of Oil and Gas Transport Facility Operations using Artificial and Intelligence”, Knowledge Based Systems 13(2-3), 2000, pp. 81-92.
[11] Goldberg, D.E., Genetics Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison Wesley
Publ.Co. Inc., Massachusetts, 1989.
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Program Kunjungan Industri ke Batam & National University of Singapore, 28 Nov – 01 Des 2011

Program Kunjungan Industri ke Batam & National University of Singapore, 28 Nov – 01 Des 2011
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


Dalam rangka meningkatkan wawasan keilmuan dan melihat secara langsung sistem industri secara nyata, Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Esa Unggul akan menyelenggarakan program kunjungan industri ke beberapa industri di Batam dan National University of Singapore (NUS) pada Tanggal 28 November  s/d 1 Desember 2011 (4 hari 3 malam).
Program ini terbuka untuk seluruh Mahasiswa dan Dosen Program Studi Teknik Industri dan program studi lain yang berminat.
Biaya kunjungan :   Rp. 2.800.000,- (termasuk tiket pesawat, hotel, makan, air port tax).
Biaya dapat di lunasi dalam 2 tahap :
            Tahap I        : Rp. 1.400.000,- paling lambat 1 Oktober 2011
            Tahap II       : Rp. 1.400.000,- paling lambat 1 November 2011
Informasi Pendaftaran
Hubungi  Sekretariat Fakultas Teknik (Ibu Wiwi)
di ruang Fakultas Teknik Lt.5 , Telp. 021.5674223 ext.215 atau 08159200017,
Jakarta, 15 Agustus 2011
Fakultas Teknik
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